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MAC NOVA Science Studio videos posted on PBS

During the previous schoolyear, students in the CTE MAC Capstone media arts class conducted an extended STEM learning experience partnership with PBS, NOVA and WOSU that ultimately produced videos highlighting relevant issues in our local community. As one of only ten total schools chosen nationwide for this cohort, Horizon proudly represented Ohio and some of their videos and pictures now appear on the NOVA website. A big honor for MAC and Horizon.

NOVA Science Studio offered high school students the opportunity to learn science reporting and short-form video production skills centered around issues in their communities. Student participants received training on video production fundamentals, storytelling, and science journalism from experts in the field. During the year, NOVA Science Studio students reported on big data and its applications and impacts on their local communities.

Major funding for NOVA Science Studio was provided by the Corporation for Public Broadcasting.

See the videos and pictures here...

Do Trees Make Us Happy?

Student Producers:

Aminatta Jalloh, Brooklyn Stokes, Keariyea Edwards, Ayuub Ahmed, Jermain Chandler


How can spending time around trees affect our physical and mental health?

How Do Vehicle Emissions Affect Air Quality and Our Health?

Victor Taylor, Abeer Hassan, Salman Abdullahi, Plamedi Nyamungusha, Solaiman Jalloh


Columbus, OH has recently faced air quality challenges. How do cars and trucks contribute to air pollution, and how does this pollution affect our health?

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