From Mr. Golding - Last year, Jaylen was one of my students who competed in a product pitch competition organized through NFTE (the Network For Teaching Entrepreneurship). Students had to design their own business and create a presentation and pitch it to the class (similar to the show Shark Tank). I was able to select seven students who were then able to compete outside of my classroom against other students in the Midwest through Zoom. I was so proud of these kids as they faced off against complete strangers and in front of entrepreneur guest judges. Most of them advanced through a few rounds, all receiving some kind of cash prize.
Jaylen was selected as an alternate for the national competition that takes place in New York City and since then he has been working to refine his business idea and product pitch. He has even been receiving some coaching sessions from the NFTE staff. Just last week he officially submitted everything. Plane tickets and hotels are booked. He will be flying out October 9th through the 11th. He is very excited! If you have him in class, or see him in the hallway, please congratulate him!
For those interested, his business is all about art. If you have not seen his art, you are missing out! If you have him in class you should ask to see some of it! He has worked locally with professional artists to do murals and even makes some money selling his artwork! He is truly an awesome kid and I am lucky to have had him in my classroom.
Have a great day!